"A" Litter
Vivid X Knuckles
Puppies were born 3-26-2022, and are all in their new homes. Please see the bottom of the page for updates on each individual puppy in their new home! There are LOTS of pictures and some videos of the puppies on the Facebook page: HERE
All puppies from this litter are spoken for and in their new homes. If you are interested in a Working/Show or Active Companion puppy from a future litter please submit an application through GoodDog
This is our "A" litter, as we switch from referring to our litters simply by Sire Name x Dam Name and year born, to a much easier to follow and organize alphabetical system. This means all puppies from this litter will be registered with a name that begins with the letter A. For more information on the naming system with Alphabet Litters, please see the Puppies/Litters Info page HERE

Vivid is our sassy, feisty girl. In depth information on her can be found on her page HERE
She is a very intelligent, resilient, and hard standard type female with high prey drive, high energy, and a great off switch in the house. She has nice long legs and a lean, moderately muscled build. She has good width of chest and body with excellent angulation. She is very fast and agile, not dog aggressive, and very driven. Vivid is very social and outgoing, and absolutely adores children and babies.
Vivid was bred on January 20th and 21st! We feel Knuckles is an excellent match for her with hopes of maintaining a very athletic and agile dog with large teeth/correct dentition and length of muzzle.
I expect males in the 80-100# range and females 60-80#, standard/standard hybrid in type with great length of leg and muzzle.
There is great potential for this litter to produce multiple show quality puppies and ALL puppy buyers (including pet homes!) are encouraged to enter their puppy! This litter will be ABA registered, but puppies can also be dual or triple registered with UKC and/or NKC.
Knuckles is from very well known working bloodlines in the breed. Both of his parents were from NorCal's American Bulldogs and his litter was the last straight NorCal breeding. Knuckles has great length of leg and muzzle, he has a very nice standard type head. He has excellent teeth and a perfect scissors bite. Very nice angulation and overall structure. Knuckles is a medium sized male for the breed, but has many larger, heavier built dogs in his pedigree. Combined with Vivid and the dogs behind her, I do still expect males and females in the normal size range for the breed (females 60-80#, males 80-100#)
Knuckles is a very clear headed dog, he is very intelligent and thinks well in drive. He has high toy/ball/food/prey/play drive and is very chill and relaxed when not working. He has no dog aggression and is socially neutral with strangers in public.
I am excited to announce Knuckle's OFA results came back as hips Excellent and elbows Normal! You could not ask for better and his littermate brother was xrayed at the same time and came back with Good/Normal, proving consistency for orthopedic soundness in his litter that matches up well with his pedigree. His pedigree is full of amazing working dogs and also health tested dogs with multiple OFA Excellent and tight PH scores. This breeding with Vivid is OFA Excellent to OFA Excellent.
His Embark results are pending/being processed by their lab. Vivid is CLEAR of NCL, Ich, HUU, CMR1, and DM, so no puppies affected by these diseases can be produced in this litter.

Cooper 110lb!

Diesel (formerly Aurum) settling into his new home

Diesel (formerly Aurum) taking a nap

Cooper (formerly Apex) meeting the chickens in his new home

Cooper asleep at the cabin his first day with new owners

Zeus (formerly Agent) taking a nap in the pool!

Zeus (formerly Agent) taking a nap in the pool!